Grampas Salve – Testimonials

9 Grampas Salve Items
Arthritis Pain Relief
”I use Grampa’s Salve for the pain of Arthritis, bug bites. It is the first thing I go to use on anything. It always does the job for me.”

Wanda Vohs
Paola, Kansas

Bee Stings be gone
”I recently loaned my Grampas Salve to a neighbor after she was stung by bees and she loves it! It not only soothed the pain of the bee stings, but it also helped to draw out the stingers.

Thanks again for a wonderful product.”

Kathy Peters
Bend, OR

”My Grand daughter aroused a hornets nest. She came running to the house with the swarm following her. We ripped off her shirt and saw that she had been stung many times on her back. Grampas Salve reduced the pain and swelling immediately.

Another Grand daughter got stung by a bee on her thumb. Again, it was Grampas Salve to the rescue!

I work at Peninsula Gardens (Nursery) where we sell Grampas Salve. I recommend it to every shopper who asks about it.”

Reene Will
Gig Harbor, WA

Bicycle Saddle Sores
Below are a few of the Testimonials we have received about this product:

”I am a physician in medical research, a cyclist, and a father of two. For years, I have been using Grampa’s Salve for saddle sores (biking), minor cuts, moscito bites, and other inflammatory skin conditions – nothing works better, or is cheaper.

Although it smells a little and is somewhat greasy, it is well worth it – thanks to those who keep it available.

I wished this product was available everywhere, and not only in Seattle, or over the internet.”

T. Hofmann 
Doylestown, PA 
December 2009

Canker Sores
”Thank you so much for making such a wonderful product as Grampas Salve. My whole family uses it to cure all types of ailments from insect bites to cold sores. I have a difficult time with canker sores, so because Grampas Salve heals so many different things, I tried it on my canker sores.

I should not have been surprised because it worked like no other medicine I have tried. I cant say enough about your product it is WONDERFUL!”

Joan Waters
Aberdeen WA

Eczema Relief
”Thank you and Evergreen Nutraceuticals for making a product like Grampa’s Salve. I have or should say had a severe case of eczema on my hands and arms. I know nothing will permanently cure eczema, but Grampa’s Salve comes the closest to a product that cures it that I have ever tried. It stops the itching and heals my dry cracking skin faster then I ever thought possible.

When my mother first gave me some to try I figured it was like all the other medicines I have tried throughout the years, just a waist of time with little relief. But when I tried Grampa’s Salve the itching stopped almost immediately and my skin started to heal over night. I won’t go any where without a tin of Grampa’s Salve.

Thanks again for making such a great product.”

Sincerely, Andy Tso

No More Diaper Rash
”I bought Grampas Salve after reading a description of it … it sounded like a balm my Mother used on me.

Shortly after purchasing, our 2-year old Grandson, Nickolas, visited us and he had a severe diaper rash. I put the balm on him and overnight the rash was completely gone. I gave the jar to his mother and she has used it since for diaper rash, scratches and itches. Now, whenever Nickolas itches or has a scratch, he asks for HIS ”Bop pa Balm” to be rubbed on (Bop pa is his name for his Grandpa).

For our family ”Bop pa Balm is a household name and we use it on everyone… for scratches, itches and blemishes.”

Betty Wikstrom
Fox Island, WA

Rosacea Relief
”I have had a form of facial Rosacia for many years. I have tried all forms of face creams and skin care products – none have worked – and in some area – made it worse. As a last resort, after trying my doctor’s salve that didn’t work, I tried Grampa’s Salve and lo and behold, it didn’t cure the Rosacia, but it cleared my face of the problem

Thanks to you and your product,”

Don Camitsch
Mendota Heights, MN

Scleroderma Relief
”My wife has Scleroderma and we have been to many doctors, who have been unable to help her. The last doctor had her on steroids, which were worse for her than the disease itself. 

We had a jar of Grampas Salve in the house, so we decided to try it on the affected areas of her skin. It was amazing! It cleared it up within hours. Now I cannot remember where we bought this product, so I am calling to find out where I can order more Grampas Salve?”

Name Withheld
Palentine, IL

Stop Toe Nail Fungus without Lamisil
”I wanted to send you a note about your Grampa’s Salve product and how well it worked for me on toenail fungus.

First of all, I noticed that the nail on my right big toe was discoloring and becoming thick and somewhat crusty. I had seen TV commercials and magazine ads for Lamisil tablets and that this prescription was designed for toenail fungus infection, also know as onychomycosis. I checked this out on their web-site and decided that I had contracted toenail fungus infection and that I should see my doctor and get a prescription to clear this up. I read on Lamisil’s web-site that “home remedies” were not effective as cures for toe nail fungus infection, but that Lamisil was. However that it takes 10 – 12 months to totally work. The following is a direct quote from their web-site:

“Any treatment you try on your own that may or may not actually treat your condition. Vinegar, tea tree oil, bleach, and Vicks® VapoRub® are ”home remedies” for nail fungus infection”.

So, it sounded to me that the only way I would be able to clear up my toe nail fungus infection was to get a prescription for Lamisil, which I then got from my doctor. But when I went to the pharmacy to have it filled, the pharmacist informed me that my insurance would not cover the prescription and that the cost for the Lamisil prescription was $800.00!

So I decided not to get the prescription and live with the toenail fungus infection. Then one day I was using Grampa’s Salve on a small cut and just decided to put it on and around my infected toenail. I continued this everyday, applying the salve on and around my toenail each morning and then putting on my socks. I noticed some improvement, smoother nail, discoloration going away and thickness dissipating after about a week. In about a month, the toenail fungus has just about totally cleared up. And it didn’t cost $800.00!

Thank you for making such a great and effective product. It seems that I just keep finding new uses for my Grampa’s Salve.”

David Parker
Seattle, WA