
1. Information On Candida
One of the most valuable commodities in today’s world is energy, not only from outside sources such as oil, but within our own bodies. We can define energy as usable power or the capacity for doing work. We find lack of energy an unnatural condition and spend millions trying to alleviate this lack, either through vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements or buying books and writings that will show us the way to boost our energy levels.

Recently, there have been discoveries and breakthroughs concerning energy and how to raise one’s energy level, which we will discuss here. Let’s start with what, in today’s world, seems to rob us of a healthy energy level. Different types of chronic infections in the human body may be the number one culprit that depletes what we would consider a normal or vigorous energy level. At the top of this list is Candida albicans, a yeast-like fungus commonly found in small amounts in the body’s intestinal tract. Antibiotics, birth control pills and other medications are very likely to upset the delicate balance of other friendly bacteria or fungi in the intestinal tract, which normally hold Candida albicans in check, thus allowing it to develop abnormally and out of control with harmful effects. Millions of people suffer from this and most are actually unaware of what may be wrong with them.

Symptoms vary from person to person, both in severity and duration, as they may come and go. First and foremost is an extremely debilitating fatigue, but may also include problems with short-term memory loss and concentration, joint and muscle pain much like flu symptoms or arthritis, hyperacidity, chills, night sweats, vertigo, painful mouth or throat blisters and infections called thrush, chronic sinus pain and headaches that may develop into migraines. As well as physical symptoms, people experience depression, anxiety, panic attacks and rather noticeable mood swings for no apparent reason.

Candida albicans can also produce vaginal yeast infections in women, chronic ear infections, prostatitis in men, jock itch, athlete’s foot, digestive disorders such as bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, rectal itching and a host of food allergies which in turn oversensitize us to our environment. Fumes, odors and smells can then cause many of the symptoms listed above. Because Candida albicans lives in the small intestine, it also greatly compromises the body’s immune system, 4/5 of which is controlled by the small intestine. When your body is busy fighting off normal pathogens with an impaired immune system, the toll on available energy to the rest of your body is very high, robbing you of the power to perform even simple tasks.

An overgrowth of Candida albicans may create malabsorption of foods ingested in one’s digestive tract and we know any kind of poor digestion will create an energy depletion with resultant fatigue. A healthy liver is crucial for energy production, as its enzymes store and restore food into fuel used in the making of energy. An unhealthy liver can cause a condition called “copper toxicity,” in which ingested trace amounts of copper are not used properly, creating an overabundance of this metal and severe energy loss.

One of the best things you can do for yourself to ward off these unwanted conditions as a result of Candida albicans, or if already developed, to rid yourself of them is to take Evergreens TheraGar* Garlic tablets. Garlic is one of Nature’s most highly effective antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial substances. Compounds in garlic such as ajoene and allicin have been scientifically proven to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and allow the body’s immune system to function properly. Taking garlic may also alleviate the need for further antibiotics, which only aggravate the overgrowth of Candida albicans. Once you can restore Candida’s balance, your normal vigorous energy level should return.

Good nutrition in the human body is a system of checks and balances, most particularly in the endocrine system that includes the adrenal glands, the reproductive glands, thyroid glands – all involved in producing enzymes that assist in digesting food and enzymes that assist in producing energy. Our Vitergy is a full fledged Multi-Vitamin containing all of the nutrients such as all the Vitamin Bs, Vitamin E, selenium, chromium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, that are vital to the production of the body’s enzymes. Plus, it also provides 10 herbs, such as ginseng, ginger, guarana, and gotu kola, known for their energy-boosting capabilities. The bottom line is you can fight back – upgrade your energy levels now with Vitergy and TheraGar* from Evergreen.

 TheraGar is a high Allicin (certified to contain 10,000 ppm or parts per million). Normally, Garlic tablets that potent would cause an upset stomach, but TheraGar is hard coated to allow it to pass through the stomach acid and dissolve in the upper intestine where its actives, like Allicin, enter the bloodstream where they fight the Candida. Note: many people think that if they eat Garlic they get its beneficial effects. This is true only if they eat raw Garlic. Allicin, the key active in Garlic, is formed when raw Garlic is sliced or heated, but it quickly dissipates … within 5 minutes of a clove being disturbed. Hence, it is deactivated by the time cooked Garlic is eaten. Aged Garlic Extract contains no Allicin.

Bibliography of Clinical Studies

1. Biamonte, Michael, C.C.N, “Energy,”

2. S. Yoshida, S. Kasuga, et. al., “Antifungal activity of ajoene derived from garlic,” Applied Environmeental Microbiology: 53(3), March, 1987, pp. 615-617.

3. Battlehound, “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome> Garlic: Nature’s antibiotic/antifungal/antivirus.”

4. Passwater, Richard A., Ph.D., “The chemistry of garlic health benefits: an interview with Professor Eric Block, Ph.D.,”

5. Cobb, Mark, “Candida – Eliminate the underlying cause,”